Monday, March 30, 2009

Pregnancy Pains

So I am right about 16 weeks pregnant to date and I’ve been pretty lucky about avoiding typical “pregnancy side-effects” up until now. I totally bypassed the morning sickness routine, but did have some food aversions. Absolutely NO Salmon and beans didn't do the trick for awhile either. During a morning walk with Ricky the other day; I started to get a sharp pain in the front of my pubic bone. It totally hurt to stand, let alone walk. Regardless, I “walked it off” and cut the walk a little short. After work I googled to see what could be the problem, and called the doc to be sure. Turns out the hormones in my body are causing the ligaments in my pelvis to loosen and expand to prepare for labor, technically called pubic symphysis diastasis (diastasis means separation). Good to know I’m not falling apart, only separating at the seams a little!

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